Love Travels Fast


When it is not time to travel for cars or jets, not after my day job - I usually head to the theatre.  Our Fall 2019 production was an evening of one act plays with a lovely title of: Love Travels Fast!  All the plays had a theme of love and acceptance within them.  The unique aspect of this evening was in between the plays there were little transitional scenes that let the action flow through the entire evening.  I had the pleasure of being as part of this troupe, with two parts: Calvin and Tarzan.  

It is always fun to escape and portray someone else for two hours and entertain those who have come to see you perform - it is a rush like nothing else and I enjoy every time I set foot onstage.

Mike Cutler

Photographer & videographer specializing in cars and weddings

The Posh Bentley


LA Auto Show 2019