Porsche Heaven

If you ever venture to Stuttgart...and you have the slightest interest in vehicles, particularly Porsche, I highly recommend stopping at the Porsche Museum. It’s beautiful. It’s fantastic. It’s amazing! It’s even better if you snag a factory tour like I did!



Much to my sadness I wasn’t allowed to bring in any cameras on the factory tour, so you’ll have to use your imagination on that part, but I can briefly describe it.  Comparing the Porsche factories to other major manufacturers, it is very small in output and size, but still massively impressive!!

They are building a new facility which will produce the Taycan when that arrives in a few short years, other than that it seems to have been expanded as the demand rises, which makes it that much more of a unique factory. 

My tour took me through the final inspection area, where the cars are checked before heading to their destinations around the world, the area where all the leather is inspected and then stitched for the cars, and where they build the almighty engines of these fine cars - all so amazing and immensely impressive!! Glad I got that opportunity to see how they are built. 

A goal of having one is certainly a deep, burning desire! 

Now, as for the museum, a place that showcases Porsche vehicles from the beginning - yes even his tractor he built - is a car lovers dream...so I’m going to let the photos do the talking. Do enjoy!

Mike Cutler

Photographer & videographer specializing in cars and weddings


My Second Home: Germany


Jackson for a Silverado